Josephine Okeyo

Josephine is 13 years old and attends Koduogo Primary School, where she is part of the Girls’ Support Group. She lives with her mother, father, four brothers and one sister.

Josephine is performing well in school, with an average mark of around 300. In the future, she would like to be a teacher. She plans to continue into further education to achieve her dreams. Her favourite subject is science. Josephine joined the Girls’ Support Group in Class 5; “When I heard the girls that had been empowered, I wanted to be like them!”

“I have learned many things, including safe places in the community. I am being taught good practices. Before I joined I was usually lazy whilst the teacher was away, but now I have learned to revise when the teacher isn’t present.”

“I enjoy attending sessions so much. After lessons we are even given balls to go and play. I like playing football and my favourite team is Manchester United!”

Josephine has been given school uniform which helps her to look neat, as well as sanitary towels to ensure that she can continue to attend school even during menstruation.