Overview of 2020 Impact

Did you know that In Homa Bay County, eight out of ten children are multidimensionally poor and HIV prevalence is four times higher than the national average? Girls have fewer educational opportunities than boys due to deeply entrenched traditional attitudes towards girls, leading to widespread and tolerated abuse of their rights. Around 57% of women and girls have experienced physical or sexual violence.

How have we been working to make sure ends meet for the vulnerable girls and women in Ndhiwa Homabay County?

We take a holistic approach through three complementary program areas in the community to empower women and girls with skills, build self-sufficiency and challenge gender inequality:

1. Success for girls at school – Girls gain access to and attain a good quality education and

have the relevant skills and knowledge to fully participate in economic social and cultural life.

2. Economic empowerment and food security – Families have improved food security and develop sustainable, economic enterprises to support girls.

3. Advocacy for safe communities – Girls and young women are equal and respected members of society who are safe at home, in school and in their community.

The three complementary programs had made it successful

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. Let’s jointly support girls and young women in Ndhiwa Homa-bay County.

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