“You educate a woman; you educate a generation”

“Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.”

We are celebrating transition of the Girls to their second level of education and as well the good performance in 2020/2021 National Exam. Girls from our partner schools (The 16 schools in Ndhiwa) that is, Sibuoche, Wayara, Nguku, Bongu, Rakoro, Ndhiwa Hospital, Ndhiwa Township, Pala, Arina, Rangenya, Nyarath, Koduogo, Kobodo, Manywanda, St Philips, and Ligega who have performed extremely well. Girls in GSG (Girls Support Group)80, Emergency Group11 and Extra support Group25 performed well in their 2020/2021 KCPE Exam and almost all are qualified to join secondary school. The Girls did their best by scoring good marks with the Highest having 360 and only 12 out of 116 scored below average.

Twende Pamoja in partnership with Team Kenya made sure all goes well with the Girls, They sponsored Mobile Library program which was being driven by two able community Librarians, Dan Onyango and Collins Owiyo. They were going around with revision materials and text books to remote areas (homes and schools) just to deliver educative materials to the Girls, they could even sacrifice their time to do some revision with them before making their way back. and all this was at their own risk because Corona Virus. As they use to say “Hard work pays” eventually it has.

The organization could a time organize a Forum (Girls Forum) to educate and create awareness among girls on some life essential areas, during Girls Forum they had programs like

health talks, performance improvement, behaviors and encouraging the Girls to do their best in reference to slogan “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Programs never stopped at any given time, GSG, Extra Supports and Emergency groups were getting the services at their schools where Librarians(Dan and Collins) and Mentors(Lydia Akinyi, Ruth Akeyo, Vera Oluoch and Ephy Achieng) worked together to support girls with basic needs, educative materials and health talks. During school closure they could meet the girls at agreed points and was successful. At longer waited, the Girls have achieved what they desire and to our expectation they did their best and we acknowledged their hard work.

Just to highlight a few, here are some Girls who did their best in 2020/2021 KCPE Exam,

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh1o4ZVTp9jquQBEhiD9bYA

Twitter: @twendendhiwa